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Elevation Worship

​​What is the Kingdom Elevation Worship Experience?

At KINGDOMBELIEVERS we believe that our corporate worship serves as an extension of our personal service and divine worship to our Lord. We enter the sanctuary to give of ourselves to the Holy Spirit and to reap the benefits of corporate worship and praise as one body in Christ.  However, we believe that the effectiveness of our corporate worship experience is enhanced when our personal relationship with the Lord is aggressively pursued and maintained.

The Spirit of God moves with willing hearts that continually purify their vessels in a Holy, wholly manner.  Romans 12:1 KJV says,  I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. I Thessalonians 5:23 KJV says and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. In context, we are to strive to live a sanctified life in Christ Jesus.  This strengthens our relationship with God and drawers us nearer to his will and purpose for our lives. 

When we purposefully pursue the fullness of God in every area of our life, we invite the power of the Holy Spirit into our life that strengthens us to be an overcomer.  Then prayer, praise, Word and adoration of the very character of God become the essence of who we are as a believer in Christ.

In consideration of the aforementioned, when all members of KingdomBelievers commit to a purposeful pursuit of the fullness of God in his/her personal life, our corporate worship presents with a move of God that is Christ-honoring and can be described as spiritually explosive. While it is designated as the name of our Sunday morning worship services, I characterize such an experience as the “Kingdom Elevation Worship Experience.”


Dr. Richard E. Bishop, Sr
Servant Leader & Founder

Kingdom Elevation Worship Experience