The Purpose of the New Members Orientation is to:

• Help members who unite with the Kingdom Believers Church family to become acquainted with the disciplines of the church of God as well as the disciplines of Kingdom Believers CB&WC.

• Encourage New Members to move beyond a "positional membership" to a "participating membership" in Kingdom Believers ministries, as well as the body of Christ.

• Formally introduce new members to the Pastors, Leaders and laity and the ministries at Kingdom Believers; establish rapport with their assigned KBL Partner.

New Member Orientation

After uniting with Kingdom Believers, new members are required to attend New Member Orientation which consists of 4 sessions which are held on consecutive Wednesdays (Time TBA).  Below is a summary what you can expect during each session.

Session 1 - (1st Wednesday) Getting to know you!
This session includes, but is not limited to, getting acquainted with each other and a general overview of Kingdom Believers History, Mission, and Purpose, Policies, Leadership and facilities.

Session 2 – (2nd Wednesday) Salvation and Doctrine: What We Believe
This session includes, but is not limited to, focusing on the Salvation Doctrine as it relates to your personal divine life and helping fulfill the Mission of Kingdom Believers. Includes a Spiritual Growth Assessment.

Session 3 – (3rd Wednesday) Your Purpose and function in the “Kingdom”
This session includes, but is not limited to, personal stewardship and moving beyond a positional membership to a participating membership.  New Members discover how to manage everything God has given them for the work of the Kingdom.

Session 4 - (4th Wednesday) Review, Reception and Member Charge
This session includes, but is not limited to, a general review of the Spiritual Growth Assessment, and all topics covered in the New Members Class, Graduation and ongoing interview and assessment, and the Right Hand of Fellowship by all existing members.

Upon completion of all classes, a "VIP Welcome Reception" is held where ministry leaders and new members get to meet and greet. A Certificate of Completion, New Member Certificate and a New Members Packet are presented.

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New Member Orientation

New Member Orientation