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K  I  N G  D  O  M  B  E  L  I  E  V  E  R  S

Our Purpose

     Kingdom Believers Elevation Worship Center is a newly formed, Christ-centered, individual & family focused, community oriented ministry. As of October 2015 we are in the process of campaigning, organizing the ministry and sharing the vision with those who have committed to serve as part of our leadership team. We have entitled the campaign effort, Unfolding Kingdom Visions (UKV).

     Our main objective is to implement strategies that effectively fulfill our mission, which incorporates the task of ushering non-believers into the knowledge of saving grace of Jesus Christ; challenging the mature believer to maximize his/her faith walk across all domains; and supporting the Christian pioneer  in his/her spiritual commission.  In all things we implore the gift of the Holy Spirit, which imparts guidance and direction essential for living a fruitful life in Christ Jesus.

     In addition to our mission, the vision includes a multicultural population uniting for a blended style of Christ-centered worship; to include a contemporary and traditional affect. We chose not to exclude the traditional aspects of our church, as with any culture, they serve as a foundation for the contemporary.

     We believe in the freedom to worship and praise God in the manner in which you (personally) were designed. Each of us have different personalities and therefore express ourselves in many different ways.  We endeavor to create an atmosphere in which each feels at liberty to praise and worship our God without limitations and without a fear of being judged.

     It is expedient that members use their talents, gifting and first fruits for the furtherance of the gospel ministry.  All are gifted in one way or another.  Whatever our gift, talent, profession or economic position, fulfillment of our purpose in life incorporates sharing with the body of Christ for the purposes of Christian ministry. Thus, we are a ministry by the people, for the people.

   Finally, Kingdom Believers has been established to meet the natural, spiritual and emotional needs of it’s  members and the community. We enter our sanctuary to worship, praise, and enjoy the benefits of fellowship as one body in Christ. However, our corporate worship serves as an extension of our personal service and divine worship.  The effectiveness of our corporate worship experience is significantly enhanced when our personal relationship with the Lord is aggressively pursued and maintained.

Dr. Richard E. Bishop, Sr.

Chief Servant & Founder

Our Purpose