The proverbs of Solomon encourage believers to long for wisdom and knowledge.  We are admonished to “keep sound wisdom and discretion.  Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble” (Proverbs 3: 21,23).  With this in mind, remember:

The indwelling Holy Spirit bears witness to variations of concepts derived from scripture.

The more you exercise your right and responsibility to pursue knowledge the more fulfilling your life will be.

It is imperative that you acquire an understanding in all things. Comprehension and application of knowledge leads to wisdom.

In this section Dr. Bishop addresses 10 of the most frequently posed questions and statements that are of the utmost concern to the maturing believer.  This Q&A is taken from his book, Though Millions Have Come, published in 2002.

 1.  How can I be saved?
 2.  I don’t feel saved.
 3.  Where was Jesus when I needed him?
 4.  Why would God send those he loves to Hell?
 5.  I believe in the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, but I don’t speak with new tongues.
 6.  I think I have blasphemed the Holy Spirit.
 7.  I fear someone may be working witchcraft on me.
 8.  Why should I go to church? Everyone in there is a hypocrite.
 9.  Which religious reformation does God favor?
10.  Is it wrong to constantly pray for a particular issue?

1.  How can I be saved?

     The scriptures are clear.  For if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (Romans 10:9, NLT).  There is no guessing game; no red tape; no forms to be completed. All who come to God must first “believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6).  Salvation is a gift from God himself that is freely given to all who believe.

     Many ask, “Why should I believe?” My radical, yet enthusiastic response is, why not believe?  You have absolutely nothing to lose and eternal life to gain.  Who in his right mind would not believe on the Lord Jesus? Get with it! Believe it, receive it, it’s yours. Live your confession and be faithful to your profession. Read chapter one of Though Millions Have Come.

2.  I don’t feel saved.

     If salvation was in feelings, I’d imagine, notwithstanding contrition, not many believers would be saved; or, despite our dedication to the scriptures, we’d be saved more at some times than others. Your feelings have nothing to do with your salvation.  For by grace are ye saved through faith (Ephesians 2:8).  Upon salvation there is a transformation and renewing of your mind.  There should be a refreshing in your thoughts. It is with joy believers draw water from the wells of salvation.      Salvation brings joy even in the midst of unfavorable circumstances.  This does not mean that you should walk around with a permanent press smile on your face.  All believers should always possess a blessed assurance of everlasting life.  The scriptures teach that the Just live by faith, not feelings.  Stop searching for salvation in your feelings.  You will never find it there!  Salvation affords an assurance of peace and ultimate victory.  Read Chapter two of Though Millions Have Come.

3.  Where was Jesus when I needed him?

     He was right there with you; making sure you survived your ordeal; making his strength perfect in your weakness. “...for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper...” (Hebrews 13:5b and 6a).  Nowhere in scripture are believers promised a life free of troubles.

     The Bible declares that we will have tribulations.  Common sense would reveal to you that if Christ encourages us with, “I’ll never leave you nor forsake you”, there will be times in your life when you may feel abandoned.  If God says “I will supply all of your needs according to my riches in glory”, there will be times that you will be in need. Life’s trials force us to depend solely on Christ.

     You are to expect deliverance out of, and victory over every situation that arises in your life.  Remember, you are made strong through your weakness. Your greatest strengths are birthed from your most trying circumstances.  Read chapter two of Though Millions Have Come.

4.  Why would God send those He loves to Hell?

     God sends no one to Hell.  Even though He would be within his divine rights to condemn all to hell, he appeals to all through reason.  “Come now and, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool” (Isaiah 1:18).  You shape your own eternal destiny by the life you choose to live on Earth; by your decision or indecision to reason.  The word of God is clear.  Accept Jesus and reap the rewards of everlasting life. Reject Jesus, and be confounded to eternal damnation.

     You don’t need a Doctoral degree to understand this concept.  It’s very comprehensible and very real.  Do not let willful ignorance hinder your ability to reason. It is not God’s will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance (II Peter 3:9). Read chapter one of Though Millions Have Come.

5.  I believe in the baptism in the Holy spirit but I don’t speak in tongues.

      Your inability to speak in an unknown tongue does not mean that you are not saved.  Neither does it indicate that you do not have the Holy Spirit within you. You are no less spiritual than one who speaks in tongues more often than yourself or others. There are diversities of gifts, differences of administrations and diversities of operations.  You may not attain to the gift of “divers kinds of tongues (1 Corinthians 12:10). “ You may speak only once in your life, as this is evidence that you have received the Holy Spirit.  This takes nothing away from your salvation or who you are in Christ Jesus.  Being careful not to diminish the value of speaking with unknown tongues, Paul declares that the greatest of the spiritual gifts is that of prophesy.

      If you desire to speak with unknown tongues ask of God who freely gives us all things (study Romans 8:32; Zechariah 10:1; Luke 11:9-13). Nevertheless, search out and stir up the gift that is already within you. The bible says “for to one is another, etc. Howbeit, all believers should desire and experience the Pentecostal phenomenon of speaking in an unknown tongue. 

6.  I think I have blasphemed the Holy Spirit.

     Interesting!  First of all, for you to be remotely concerned of whether or not you have blasphemed the Holy Spirit is clear enough evidence that you have not committed the unpardonable sin.  Blasphemy, or sin against the Holy Spirit, as defined by Dake, includes any willful, malicious and slanderous word spoken against the person and work of the Holy Spirit; or ascribing the person and work of the Holy Spirit to Satan.

      When Jesus began his ministry here on earth among men, there were those who actually saw him, namely the Pharisees, perform miracles under the anointing and power of the Holy Ghost and attributed the power and the acts of Christ to Beelzebub, who is ultimately identified as the “Prince of Demons.”

     Blasphemy in the dispensation of grace would consist of one adamantly and wholeheartedly believing and asserting that Christ and all he represents is of a demonic spirit.  If you have the slightest desire to know the Lord, to say the least, then it is the Holy Spirit that is drawing you.  This same Holy Spirit is what imparts spiritual concerns and convictions.  I ask you, Is the Spirit divided against Himself?  The Holy Spirit guides the conscience of believers.  Would the Spirit advise against himself?  This is the very concept Jesus began to teach after the Pharisees blasphemed the Holy Spirit (study Matthew 12:22-32).  Read chapter two of Though Millions Have Come.

7.  I fear someone may be working witchcraft on me.

   Do not be deceived! Witchcraft, sorcery, wizardry, necromancy are real.  The Prince of this world has blinded the eyes and captured the spirit, heart and mind of many.  These beings have become spirit rebels and now exist as an agency of the devil.  Their sole purpose is to revolt against the kingdom of God. These demons serve the Prince of this world just as faithfully as Christians serve Father God, the creator.

     There can be no fear in spiritual warfare.  As a matter of fact, fear should be non-existent in the life of a believer.  Our spiritual man should be consecrated with power, love and a sound mind (read I Timothy 1:7).  The power to tread over these demonic forces is within you.  You need not call or travel halfway across the world in search of a particular prophet or a special prayer cloth.  Stand on your own two feet.  Speak the word against the enemy.

     As a soldier in God’s army, you are to be armed with all spiritual weapons (Ephesians 6:14-17).  The weapons that we have are mighty through God to the pulling down of any stronghold (II Corinthians 10:4).  No weapon that is formed against you will prosper (Isaiah 54:17).  God commands that you utilize the power and authority  that is granted in scripture to be more than a conqueror against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12).  “Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.  Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:10, 11).   Read chapters two and four of Though Millions Have Come.

8.  Why should I go to church?  Everyone in there is a hypocrite.

     First of all, I suggest you take your eyes off “everyone” and focus more closely on your personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Most likely, this “everyone is a hypocrite” attitude is an excuse, trite at that, which you have been using as a flimsy crutch to lean on whenever the subject of your church attendance is challenged.  In context, Hebrews 10:19-25 commands believers to assemble with a pure heart and a pure conscience for worship and exhortation.  Your church attendance is a personal thing, not an “everyone” thing.  Get my drift?

     Secondly, I would be very careful in labeling God’s people as hypocrites.  Believers are actually heirs and joint heirs, a royal priesthood and a people set aside for the Master’s use.  For the most part, believers are genuine at heart.  In this case, one bad apple does not spoil the bunch.  There is always a church within a church; a spiritual people within a people.  Though believers may have faults, and some overtaken by their faults, the more spiritual are commanded to restore fellow believers in the spirit of meekness.  So get unhinged from your church hang-ups.  Search out and join a bible believing and teaching church and learn to worship and praise God in spirit and in truth among the body of believers. Read chapter four of Though Millions Have Come.

9.  Which religious reformation does God favor?

     Of the many denominations, excluding cults and the boarder- lined, all believe that there is a God.  There are relatively few who esteem Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the redeemer of mankind.  Many denominations become divided at the points of their doctrine of Jesus Christ, the trinity, the Holy Spirit, the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and that of speaking with new tongues.

     A basic concept in theology: every man has the right to interpret the scriptures to the best of his spiritual and intellectual abilities.  Fortunately, God’s thoughts and ways are much higher than those of man.  Though I am tempted to mention those reformations which I believe are more Bible-based, God does not recognize any particular reformation or denomination.  God’s heart is with the church i.e., the body of baptized believers.  God’s heart is with the individual who has repented of his sins, confessed with his mouth the Lord Jesus, and believes in his heart that God has raised His son from the Dead.  God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34).  He favors no man or particular group.  He is awaiting his bride, the church!  Read chapter one of Though Millions Have Come.

10.  Is it wrong to constantly pray for a particular issue?

     Jesus taught on the elements of prayer in a very comprehensive manner in his Sermon on the Mount (read Matthew 6:15).  There are some who exclaim that praying more than once for a particular matter declares a lack of faith.  While this may be true in many cases I dare not judge your faith. Jesus prayed more than once for a particular issue. Read Matthew 26:44.

      Whatever you’re reasoning for praying more than once, it is obvious that different circumstances may call for different levels of faith.  At times I have prayed once for a particular issue. At other times I have prayed more than once.  My faith was just as strong the second time as it was the first.  I knew God heard me and believed he would answer the first time I petitioned him.    You may need to pray more than once simply for your personal comfort in knowing that God is aware of the situation.  With this in mind, I encourage you according to St. Matthew 6:8b which says, “Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.” Christ also taught against “vain repetitions, as the heathen do.”  He taught this to guard the heart of believers from the spirit of the Pharisees who were an unrighteous group of people and thought that the more times they prayed or the more words they used in prayer would give them favor in the midst of their continued rebellion against Christ.  They also prayed aloud in the synagogues and the streets basically to be seen and heard of men.  They were not contrite or sincere in their prayers.

      Whatever you’re reasoning for praying more than once over a particular issue, remember God hears and answers the prayers of believers.  “According to your faith be it unto you” (Matthew 9:29).  An answer delayed does not mean you’ve been denied.  Read chapter four of Though Millions Have Come.

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