Below is a list of ministry departments that are a part of our vision and are currently unfolding.  Our pamphlet entitled "Twelve Tribes of the Kingdom" gives a complete list of ministries within each department.

Our Ministry Banners

Our Ministries

7.  The Sanctuary
"Make Me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them"
We believe that the milieu of the sanctuary is essential to the move of God among worshipers.  This ministry is designed to aid in the overall comfort, look and style of our sanctuary, members and guests.

8.  Music & the Creative Arts
 "Worshiping through Music, Drama and Dance"
In an effort to “create a dynamic environment for an authentic and Christ-centered worship and praise experience” this Kingdom Believers encourages the use of spirit-filled musicians, various instruments and all the creative arts. 

9.  KingdomView
 "Enhancing our Mission through Multimedia"
This ministry is utilized to strategically implement our mission to our visually-driven, ever changing world through the use of technology and media.  Sermons and other events may be recorded for distribution.  

10.  Kingdom Printing & Publishing
"Printing Kingdom's Vision and making it plain"
This auxiliary is responsible for all design, printing and publishing, internally and externally, of information relative to Kingdom Believers marketing and public relations.

11.  Kingdom Assist Alpha
"Spiritual Support and General Assistance"
The ministry of HELPS is imperative in that without the assistance of every member helping in one way or another, the ministry cannot be effective in carrying out its mission.

12.  Kingdom Assist Omega
 "Technical Support and General Assistance"
The ministry of HELPS is imperative in that without the assistance of every member helping in one way or another, the ministry cannot be effective in carrying out its mission.

A pamphlet detailing the ministries of each ministry department

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Our Ministries

​​1.  Kingdom Leadership
"In the multitude of counselors there is safety"
Kingdom Leadership is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the vision of Kingdom Believers is implemented in accordance with the instructions of the pastor, demonstrating innovation, integrity and excellence.

2.  Focus on the Family
 "Restoring Families...One Member at A Time"
The family is the cornerstone of all society.  Focus on the Family is a cluster of ministries at Kingdom Believers that is designed to support the family as a unit, as well as the individuals that make up the family. 

3.  Kingdom Blazers
 "Igniting the flame of youth evangelism"
Kingdom Blazers is the name of our youth ministry.  Programs, services and events are structured to meet the spiritual, mental and emotional needs of our youth; and are tailored to their age range and maturity level.

4.  Community Outreach
 "Providing Spiritual Enrichment and Community Referrals"
The people in our communities have natural, mental and emotional needs.  Most of all they need to hear about Jesus. It is imperative as a community oriented church to connect with, and meet the needs of our surrounding communities.

5.  Kingdom Hope
"Bringing comfort to those who once comforted"
The objective of Kingdom Hope is to provide encouragement and support through the sharing of the gospel in area Medical Institutions, Hospitals, rehabilitation centers, “broken” subsections, housing centers, nursing homes, etc.

6.  Christian Education
 "Pursuing Excellence in Christian Academics"
Proverbs 4:7 says that wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.  Our Education begins with  the New Member’s class and continues thru our Bible Institute.