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K  I  N G  D  O  M  B  E  L  I  E  V  E  R  S

The Kingdom Leadership Initiative is biblically-based and works to keep Christian leaders, under-shepherds, aspiring leaders and the Christendom in general, well-informed on the myriad of social issues impacting the church. Our objective is to create awareness by initiating dialog among pastoral leadership and the Christian community concerning moral issues.

The local pastor is primarily tasked with the responsibility of meeting the spiritual needs of parishioners and often may not have sufficient time to address in detail the social issues that adversely affect those under his care.  The Initiative gathers information and provides suggestive solutions and avenues for the church to effectively respond to the moral climate changes that adversely affect the Christian community. 

The imposition of legislation and the subsequent paradigms that have significantly changed the moral fabric of our society seep into the church community and impel changes in our lives and in the church that are not acceptable in the sight of God.  Our silence on such intrusions speaks volumes to the world.

The Initiative provides information electronically, by the distribution of pamphlets, conducting local seminars, and webinars.  The Initiative also maintains contact with area Christian leadership for collaboration.  It is past time for the Christian church to take an INTENTIONAL stand on the moral issues of our faith.

Dr. Richard E. Bishop, Sr

Chief Servant & Founder

Kingdom Leadership Initiative