- Originally designed, constructed and published in 2016 by Dr R. Bishop

KingdomBeliever's Logo

   What is the first thought that comes to mind when you see the term “kingdom believers?”  Your initial thought would probably be in terms of a group of individuals who have faith or confidence in a Kingdom or a godly reign; and you would be correct in your thinking.  Additionally, for the purposes of the establishment of our ministry, not only are God’s people adamant believers of the priesthood of God, but we ARE, as believers, incorporated into the kingdom.  Believers make up the Kingdom of God.   Individual believers of Christ make up the body of Christ. The body is the Kingdom, i.e. the Christly spirit possessed by each believer. So, not only do we believe in the sovereign reign of our majestic God over His Kingdom, but we realize that as a spiritual body of believers, we are positioned as His kingdom. Thus, the church is named, Kingdom Believers.

  The Kingdom Believer’s logo is original and a foundational element of our church’s branding strategy.  Our logo is intended to be the "face" of the business aspect of the church: It presents with a graphical display of our church’s unique identity, and through its colors, fonts and image, provides essential information about our church that allows the general public to identify with our church’s core brand. Our Logo is also a shorthand way of referring to the church in advertising and marketing materials.

Our logo is an original design and it consists of the gold shield of faith bearing four foundational symbols of the Christian faith that include:

  • The Bible (upper left), the word of God
  • The Ark of the Covenant (upper right), the presence of God
  • The white Dove (lower left), the Holy Spirit
  • The Cross of our Christ (lower right), the believers' redemption

Each symbol is separated by a larger cross that sections the entire shield into quadrants.  The shield of faith is supported by a crimson half-shield back drop, representing the blood of Christ; both resting on a golden ribbon; all encircled by our church name "KINGDOMBELIEVERS" and church tag "ELEVATION WORSHIP CENTER," with 2 stars, separating the words “Established 2016.”

Our Church Name & Logo

Our Church Name & Logo

E      L     E      V      A      T      I      O      N          W      O      R      S     H      I      P          C      E      N      T      E      R

K  I  N G  D  O  M  B  E  L  I  E  V  E  R  S