Unfolding "Kingdom" Visions



I have planted KINGDOMBELIEVERS Elevation Worship Center because I believe that the most effective way to reach the world for Christ is by starting a new church in a community that is in need of a spiritual outlet and can use linkage to community resources. Programs are constructed to holistically meet the needs of community members. Such needs include, but are not limited to,  food, clothing, shelter, spiritual enrichment, back-to-school projects, linkage to community resources and much more.

I have planted KINGDOMBELIEVERS Elevation Worship Center because the message of Jesus through the church brings hope to the world. This is why we’re committed to 
starting a discipleship-driven ministry.

KINGDOMBELIEVERS Elevation Worship Center is focused on connecting God’s people around God’s purposes so He might ignite movements of reproduction for the purpose of transforming lives with Christ’s love.

KINGDOMBELIEVERS Elevation Worship Center is focused on equipping disciples to equip other disciples. We believe that this is the true meaning of “greater works…” as mentioned in John 14:12

Yours in the Master's service,

Richard E. Bishop

Dr. Richard E. Bishop, Sr

Chief Servant & Founder

Unfolding Kingdom Visions

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I realize that one of the most effective ways to reach the world for Jesus Christ is by starting a new church. Every people group and community are in need of a church.  Unfolding Kingdom Visions (UKV) is the name of our church planting project. It is a campaign that incorporates all of the persons, business, tasks, and logistics of starting our church in a  community and for a people in need of spiritual enrichment.

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