
Booklet                                     FREE to expecting/New parents (Public)

​Distributed by the CDC, Milestone Moments is a 5x7 46 page color booklet that provides guidelines for health and supervision of infants and children.  Great for expecting and/or new parents.

Worship Melodies of Meditation: "JESUS           Place Order

CD-ROM  (5 CDs)                                                               $15.00 (Public)

​You won't hear these stories in the local news, but Jesus Christ is doing miracles in some of the most unlikely places around the world.  Rosser takes you on a jolting jeep ride to a village in India, where feeble lepers are joyfully building their church, stone by stone.  He invites you to a funeral in Cuba, where the gospel's message of hope brings a communist tour guide to new life in Christ.

Heroes at Home                                                    Place Order

Poster                                                                            FREE(Public)

​Published by The Department of Health & Human Services, this is a 4' double-sided (English and Spanish), full color poster that can be affixed on a wall or door and allows you to monitor your child's growth and 6 major milestones at each age. Also, add a photo of your child at each milestone.

E      L     E      V      A      T      I      O      N          W      O      R      S     H      I      P          C      E      N      T      E      R

Pocket Bible         Free to KB visitors Military members (Public)

​Published and distributed by the American Bible Society, New Testament Psalms & Proverbs is a 3.25 x 4.5 Good News version of the entire New Testament with the Psalms and Proverbs.

"Thank You For Worshiping With Us"                  Place Order

DVD / CD    WMOM: "JESUS                                    FREE (Public)

​Published by R. Bishop, "Worship Melodies of Meditation (WMOM): JESUS" is 1 hour of relaxing, calming, prayer time with God, Piano worship, performed by Dr. Richard Bishop.  It is formatted for DVD and CD.

"New Testament Psalms & Proverbs"                   Place Order

Child Growth /Milestone Chart                         Place Order

Booklet                                        Free to KB second time visitors

​Published and distributed by Old paths Tract Society, The Gospel According to St. John is a 3.5 x 5.5, 62 page, King James version of the gospel According to St. John without narrative.

Tract                                                                                        FREE (Public)

​Published by Good News Tracts, Daily Bible Reading Plan is a 3.5 x 5.25 quad-fold tract that provides a plan for reading through the entire bible in one year via a daily bible reading schedule.

"The God Who Hung on the Cross"                     Place Order

"Steps to Peace With God""                                   Place Order

CD-ROM                                                           Free-2 remaining (Public)

​Published by the CDC, Choices is a program for women about choosing healthy behaviors as an intervention for nonpregnant women of childbearing age and designed to prevent alcohol-exposed pregnancies by addressing risky drinking and ineffective or no use of contraception.  It includes the Facilitator guide, counselor manual, client workbook and a training DVD.  This is a teacher's resource.

CD-ROM                                                       Free to KB first time visitors

​Published by KingdomBelievers, this CD-ROM contains a formal summary of the objectives and values of our ministry;  detailed information about each ministry.  It also contains information about our Elevation Worship ministry.  Forms include the Member Needs Survey and the Declaration of Membership.

"Milestone Moments"                                            Place Order

"Daily Bible Reading Plan"                                     Place Order

"The Proverbs"                                                        Place Order

Tract                                                                                        FREE (Public)

​Published by Good News Tracts, Daily Bible Reading Plan is a 3.5 x 5.25 quad-fold tract that provides four steps to finding peace with God.  It includes salvation scriptures and information about how to receive Jesus as  our Lord and Savior.

"CHOICES"                                                               Place Order

K  I  N G  D  O  M  B  E  L  I  E  V  E  R  S

Book                                                      FREE to Military Families

​Published by Bethany House Publishers, "the military family will read this and learn how to do things a little better or smarter, while civilians will learn what it's like to live the unique and often challenging lifestyle of an American military family.

Click here for your free copy

The Gospel According to St. John"                        Place Order

Booklet                                        Free to KB second time visitors

​Published and distributed by Old paths Tract Society, The Proverbs is a 3.5 x 5.5, 53 page, King James version of the book of Proverbs without narrative.